Instagram @ kikimentalthoughts (Just fun photos
Okay, I'm back to the original plan but with a twist of plot that I wasn't even expecting... So now KIKI Mental Thoughts can continue with exploring what ever journey is ahead.
Re Introduction for the author, creator, and CEO of KIKI Mental Thoughts.
Please be aware that this content may not suitable for minors, teens, and some adolescents or even older adults. This is all from personal experience so please do not feel the need to input your negativity or disbeliefs. Please read and enjoy with a cup of tea, wine, coffee, or water or anything you may need to finish reading. Remember people this is for entertainment purposes only. Take advantage of your leisure time.
When I first started this blog, my status was different. Currently I am still married but separated from my family. (A temporary agreement amongst parents due to the status change and ensuring stability for my daughters while I get resettled. ) Reality set in and now I'm rebuilding my foundation from ground up. It's a rough start, I must honestly say. My mindset is discombobulated from how things quickly changed. I must admit that I knew something was eventually going to change but I I did not know when. 2024 is the year that it announced itself. Instead of inspiring me to be mindful it made me mindless. Imagine having to make an executive decision to relocate to another state because staying in my hometown was challenging economically and personally. Then not being able to see my children daily or routinely because I do not want them to see their parent struggle to regain control over adult matters. We communicate and I am blessed to have daughters whom adapt to lifestyle changes. I'm grateful for their fathers as well. On top of the new changes, my career also is at the starting point again because of the state difference in my profession. Another delay in my journey. Now I'm wondering is this supposed to be my path or I derail my own track. Did "I do" something for this transition to happen or was it really God's way to force me to move on to other means of my life? My heart is scarred and my emotions is running wild. There are moments when I'm in a trance trying to recap my own life events. I've lost a part of me that used to feel like I could control and conquer the negative effects of my life simply by ignoring it but I could not do that now. I had to come face to face full force with whatever lesson God was teaching me. Day by day I continue to pray that God will show me the way through His Grace and protect me and my community from darkness. TO BE CONTINUED...
Just want to make an announcement that I will be postponing my writing journey and focusing on more positive vibes of me with gaming. I will get back to my writing journey but right now my passion is adult gaming. Come have fun and see the gamer girl in her prime. Thank you to everyone that has read the content so far. Let me show you Kiki's Mental Thoughts through the controller.

Welcome everyone and thank you for reading KIKI's Mental Thoughts. I want to first introduce myself and tell you about the content that you are about to read. I’m KI(m)KI(yona) and yes I am going to keep it written as is because that is who I am. But you can call me KIKI for short. I am over 30 and will leave at that because some women like myself are ashamed of telling their real age. Blame it on the society loving the 20’s decade. I want to entertain my adult peers with some of my life’s mental processes and wonder if others feel the same about how my mental brain processes dealing with life or most importantly people. I’m what people call nowadays an introvert/extrovert. I’m sociable but also a homebody. I am winging this thing called life that I also pray to continue to live everyday. I am spiritual more than religious. I can be a bit of a procrastinator due to my anxiety but yet I have an ambitious soul. Yet I am confused about how this thing called life is supposed to work with people. People are unique in many different ways but not knowing exactly what they are truly thinking could cause me great confusion and sometimes frustration. I work towards whatever path I am taking at the moment of my dreams because one day I want one of them to be a successful reality (positivity). After we are born and grow to learn how to read, no one gives you a book of instructions on how to deal with life and make it work for you. So basically I am winging it. In the process of winging life and chasing dreams, I have to network and tolerate different people with unique characteristics and personality. This part is challenging especially when no one really teaches you how to deal with people on a personal level. You learn how to communicate and that is basic. These people you encounter become somewhat of an influence on your life whereas you have to learn how to deal with them accordingly. I am still learning the process accordingly. I have 2 daughters that I am also getting to know as they grow into different stages of their lives. I try to teach my children mannerisms and morals while also trying to protect them from others morals and mannerisms. Everyone is different with their own agendas.
These writings are for entertainment purposes only and not to be confused as a cure, diagnosis, or therapy of any kind. I am not a licensed professional, just a writer sharing some thoughts. This is strictly adult content and may have some trigger warnings pertaining to emotional trauma. I ask that you read it at your own risk. I am basically just having a conversation except it's my turn to talk.