Is It True?
Is it true that you can love someone stronger than they may be loving you? Is it true that love is blind to the incapability of the significant other because you want to be with them? Is it true that the love language should be analyzing the uniqueness of the individual you love instead of just wondering? Is it true that love can be powerful yet also misguiding at the same moment? Is it true that time is divided on matters that does not always involve love but lust? Is it true that spreading love should not be taken so lightly? Is it true that boundaries and respect is already classified in couples that are in love? Is it true that love has been used in deception to gain more selfishness? Is it true that love brings out a side that can be irreversible? Is it true that love must be part of our lives in order to sustain and thrive towards fulfillment? Is it true that love captures another heart of love only to destroy it later? Is it true that humans are emotionally intelligent enough to know how love can conquer or destroy?
First Impression vs Getting Familiar
Some people want to be represented in the most unique respectful way or so it may seem. While there are others that just let you take it for what it is. I’m a respectful individual and try to present myself (accordingly). Accordingly is in parentheses for a reason. Moving along... I will always give a genuine “hello” and “farewell” because I want people to thrive positively and even nice small gestures could make a difference. I am expressive about my beliefs but have an open mind. I believe in people needing to know more about emotional intelligence. Some people may dwell on their emotions. (This is a matter of opinion from what I experience throughout the years.) I try to give the best first impression of myself because I am my own representation. Presentation is the key because people may miss the message. That may go over some people’s heads and some may understand what I mean by that. It’s hard to explain, you just got to know. It’s part of basic lifestyle living. Preparing your look for the day on a daily basis is first impression activity. Some days it may be good and some days it’s whatever. You interact and encounter people everyday, some may always get the first impression from just meeting you and some may already be familiar.
The first impression may not be the best first encounter but somehow the vibes were enough for interest of being more familiar. Getting familiar leads to getting more personal and sharing personal history. Yes, not the history of the world or cultural background but the history of how a person was living throughout their years. First impressions are like an interview, some may never call back.
Also take time to think about the possible status of the person that you first meet. Statuses change throughout the years so the first impression is the persona maintaining their current status during that initiate meet. Now the familiar stage begins when there may be a continuation of the conversation to sync back in the vibe. This is where the emotions start to generate and vibes begin to shift building a bond. Unlike first impressions where it may not waste as much time, getting familiar takes valuable time for someone to draw interest in someone that has captured their attention. Be yourself because the moment you try to appease someone, you lose part of finding someone to love you for who you really are.
Kiki's Acronym for MOTIVATION
Moving Others Towards Inspiring Vocal Admiration To Initiate Others Novelty
Listening to this amazing person who motivates people Monday-Friday has
helped me be inspired to go back to writing. It was a rough couple of months
and I went mentally blank to write anything to help my path.
He is truly a creative artist and I hope that he gets the recognition that he
deserves because he can definitely help people get through the
rough patches in this journey called life
https://www.mattymoshow.com https://www.twitch.tv/matty_pace
"Everyone has a specialty to themselves and it takes a village /community to ignite that level of expertise."
Sometimes we need the right audience to see what it is that we is trying to send out to the world. Not everyone can decipher the messages that you want to transfer to universe in order for them to see your point of view. Once you get the crowd that runs wild to your performance of being yourself then the reward is knowing that you have something to believe in and yet also achieve in as well. Never limit yourself worth for anyone but upgrade and manifest your own adventures and journey. Remember that positivity is more effective in building your platform!!
Personal Interview
When I think of the word interview, it makes me cringe a little because of all the rejected interviews I’ve been through in the past. Ideally on paper I am a decent candidate but when the face to face aspect comes to mind, then it’s the email that stated that they basically picked someone better. I even had a job that lingered on to my expectations for 2 months with 3 interviews from 2 sets of people and still was indecisive on putting me on the team. It was an hour drive away from home and right at the start of the pandemic. I drove there and back within 6 hours of a 2 month span with no compensation.
Sometimes I wished that could have applied to the people I dealt with in the past who somehow connected to my life. Don’t you wish that people had to submit their resumes to you and you decide if you want to interview them to decide if they could be part of your life’s journey? If I had to personally interview some candidates that were in my life up to now, they would not have made it to the second interview or maybe the first. Instead of background checks for criminal history, how about background checks for personal interactions and how people network with others, like family, friends, associates, and etc.
First impressions is for appearance and that is my own personal opinion. People looked at the person’s style in clothing and their presentation of themselves. For some the style speaks volumes in the person that they are currently analyzing. Then it's the person’s sway or demeanor that is next analyzed. How they approach the room, how they walk, how they introduce themselves, and most importantly, how they respond. Conduct is what people may call it, I call it subliminal judgment that is embedded in our brains without intention.
During a job interview you answer the same questions that they ask just about everyone and depending upon your responses is what they are determined to see if you can fulfill the position. Most likely the candidates that they have chosen all may have the same skills to perform their duties but may not present themselves in the manner for the business. Which to me really is disappointment. There are people who are capable of doing their job in an expertise style but can not talk to people directly because of shyness and some awkwardness, which I did experience in some interviews. As soon as I hit the parking lot, I knew for certain that they were not calling me back based on their body gestures.
I do understand why the questions during an interview are asked because being specific in my opinion is important. I do ask questions continuously and some people get annoyed because they may feel like they were specific. Yes, to yourself but not to me. In order for me to see a similar scenario or statement that you sent me, I have to determine if I understood it like you portrayed it and asking more questions may be a necessity. Hence the questions and responses in an interview to see if you are trustworthy to complete the tasks. If we were to follow that same concept like a job interview, how many people besides your family would have been part of your team? It is not always about the communication, but the comprehension and seeing what people really expect from you or most importantly what you expect from yourself. You are your own personal business and need to determine who gets hired and fired from your business. But the moral of the story is what do you want for yourself. What does your business need to mentally keep it being productive?
What defines a person? Could it be their appearance, financial status, maybe their swag, or just their personality? Let's start off with some Google research of personality just to get an enlightenment and then we can dodge into my mental interpretation of how the process kind of functions. Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. Now let's see what a character is. Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Now that I have read that, my mind is wondering. Can a person genuinely know their own personality trait by self recognition? I say that I am friendly, can a high percentage of people I have interacted with agree with me? If I were to say that I am loyal, can my loyalty be proven throughout my lifestyle activities from various points of view? How does a person develop a character if it's based upon mental and moral qualities? Is our personality's foundation based on our lifestyles?
Communication is the first element embedded in our world and a skill taught at a young age. Communication is a noun that means to make known, transmit, exchange information or opinion. Some adjectives of communication is communicable and communicative.
It helps with making awareness of your surroundings and what is happening. It does not matter who the person is. Communications have levels and many aspects that can make it more complex than it seems. As I grew older I started to see and get a concept of where the levels and aspects come into play. As a person who is always misunderstood, my communication with others was limited or restricted based on the people who I interacted with and situation at hand. Now as an adult with a more knowledgeable understanding of how communication can change for some many reasons, I try to be more specific about how I conduct communication.
As I went through my lessons and experiences of life via schooling, peers, family, foe or others, I started to understand that communication also involves emotions. Not just other people emotions but myself as well. I learned that communication can be conducted by different forms, for instance body gestures. I'm not just talking about hand signs and eye winks, I'm talking about the person's body gesture. Its a shame to say that I realized that when I took a online course for my associate's degree that I been seeing this form of interaction my entire life thus far. I seen this interaction when I went to job interviews and had first impression encounters. Some may call it being naive or nonchalant, but it's me talking so I can call it unknowledgeable because of lack of communication. A person's posture while talking to you may speak volumes just as loud as their words but they may not always carry the same tune.
This concept also applies to the written form of communication. I had to write professional emails with just stated facts and not on my personal writing level. I have to admit that for me, this was a bit challenging because of what level of my written communication was at the time. I knew how to write an essay and my texting was pretty good. That was not good enough when sending and responding to a professional email. I had learned that emotions can be transparent in certain written wording concept. What I thought was a simple sentence could have been an aggressive or passive aggressive respond. I admit that came from trying to use vocabulary that I did not refresh my memory on the definition. I'm human and mistakes happens but I did learn the rough way of how that could cause some difficulties. I went to a meeting with a coworker to discuss a plan of action in person. We conducted the whole meeting and when we were ready to end the meeting, my coworker stopped and said "that this meeting went well better than I expected". I smiled and ask why, and my coworker stated that the emails seemed like we were having a misunderstanding on what our focus should be on. I was confused because I read the emails too and I just thought that this person really is not trying to listen to me. Well my coworker felt the same way and we were having a written email battle over an issue that needed to be addressed but couldn't at the moment because of miscommunication. It was until we had a face to face conversation that we realized we were agreeable on the same matter. My audio was better than my written and I used to think that my written was better than my audio.
The key component to communication is comprehension. Yep, if there is no comprehension, then there will not be great communication. Comprehension is the noun form of understanding, include. If comprehension on both parties do not sync then the communication is not compatible. This is why reading and writing is an important part of life because it helps with learning comprehension. Academically, it seemed like "I understood the assignment", not my words but lyrics to a song.
"Love Me?"
Love has become so popular that it is spoken like it does not carry sufficient meaning. Now it can be part of a conversation without showing any genuineness. As I was growing up, I was infatuated in hearing someone tell me that they love me. Once it was spoken, I believed that it was real. Love is real but the genuineness of it may not always be the case. When I think of love, I think of passion, intimacy, compassion, caring, and always knowing what a person needs emotionally. I believe that love takes people over certain boundaries, intentionally and unintentionally. Love is a mystery within itself, my opinion of course. I know for guarantee that if I love someone, no matter who they are, I will show for it. The reciprocation may not be the same. My love is genuine because I know what it feels like not to be genuinely loved. I know what it feels like to hear it and see that it was not the real or right feeling of that someone. As I am growing and healing at the same time, I noticed that sometimes my love system is not appreciated. My love will still be there because I only want the best for anyone including myself but I will also keep my distance. I am no longer available for occasional love that means nothing to both parties. I apologize now and ahead of time that if I can't feel the genuineness of love being profound to me by anyone then I will relocate my heart. The genuineness of love for me is much stronger than an occasional "I love you."
"Do You Mind"
This question used to make me pause because I did not quite understand the purpose of the question. The mind revolves around a lot of things and like I said before I need to clarify what the question meant. My response will usually be "what do you mean, do I mind?" Let me know what you are talking about, specifically, before I give the proper feedback. I did learn that it's not only the words that people hear but also the tone voice of how it's spoken. My next thought will be is if the question is appropriate at the moment. Different moods and vibes can be censored by words, body gestures, emotions, relationships, friendships, family... I mean this list can go on and on. The moral of the matter is how to get clarity rather than looking on the prompt of it.
This can be a dynamic concept that the conversation is going to lead to possible miscommunication. Sometimes your personal feelings may intervene with how a conversation may start or finish. Sometimes there is a fortunate moment that the interaction is successful and there is no need for further clarification. (This may go by how influential the person is in your life currently or of the past. The timing does not matter when the question is already spoken and heard.)
My mind does work on minding its business, focusing my adult responsibilities especially as a mother and wife. So, I can answer the question with yes technically since I do be minding various tasks. As we grow as a family, my mindset shift and my mind continue to evolve. "Do you mind?', yes, I do mind what is in store for me and the opportunities that comes my way. When you ask me "do I mind", make sure to include details on what specifically you want me to answer about my mind. This will also give me the option to decide if I may want to share.
What parts of yourself that you is willing to accept? What parts of yourself is you willing to change to allow acceptance of part of life? Can you agree that acceptance for yourself is justifiable? Acceptance is basically the process of being received suitable and/or adequate. I took on the liberty of acceptance that I had a responsibility to take care of my family. I took on the liberty of acceptance by admitting to my tough decision and choices I've made with sacrifices that eventually helped with my maturity development. I took on the liberty of acceptance by eliminating the negative components that held me back from seeking my prosperity. I took on the liberty of acceptance by helping others with sharing my own life's experiences. I took on the liberty of acceptance by acknowledging more of my strengths and weaknesses. I took on the liberty of acceptance by receiving constructive criticism from influential members of my life that have shown genuine love. I took on the liberty of acceptance by finding ways to improve myself for a better version of myself. I took on the liberty of acceptance by most importantly accepting myself first and foremost.
Reality vs. Realization
My reality is that I am an adult with responsibilities and does them with my daily routine but the realization of me suffering in the process is another concept. You would think that since you is living in reality that realization is a natural perception of it but that is not always the case. Reality is the routine to get through the day the realization is the mindset involved with the feelings and emotion. Imagine getting over the toughest and harshest parts of your life only for the next chapter to have the same lingo but different cast. You believed that you have won the biggest mental challenge of the lifetime and think that you can handle anything only for the realization to determine that it was just the beginning. The wounds that turned into scars starts to open again and become deeper wounds, the healing of the past only seem like it was not the end but the next level of the healing process. The revelation of knowing that your love was not accepted but rejected and used for greed to get what they needed. The reality is that things are being taken care of accordingly but the realization of that gesture is not being appreciated or grateful. The reality that you look well and everything is fine and the realization that your inner self is being destroyed everyday. The smile is reality but the realization is that the mind knows that it is false identity. The reality is that you is able to see the light of day and try again but the realization is trying to figure out how to start again. The reality that life is different as the years move on and the realization that your heart is not so strong. The reality of thinking that the path must be the way and realization is the negative effects of the results. The reality of what physically needs to be done but the realization of knowing that you do not have the resources to complete the task. The reality of facing the obstacles face to face and the realization of knowing that you are losing your stable mental pace. The reality is having to hold everything in due to privacy measures but the realization that holding it in is another form of pushing it to the side. The realization is just as important to acknowledge and address like the reality of actually getting dressed.
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